Structural & Formative Pruning
This type of pruning introduces the principles of structural pruning and are mostly used for trees of youth. However, in some cases older trees can benefit from this due to existing or introduced structural problems due to. It is used to promote good structural growth and remove defects encourage a dominant leader branch from the main trunk. This helps lessen the potential for failure when the tree is mature. It also encourages less maintenance as they grow. In some cases this type of pruning is needed when a tree has gone to long without a pruning, has been excessively pruned or has experienced storm damage.
Our team will prune back any broken or dead branches in addition to dying or damaged branches. They will then establish the structure and the dominant leading branches. This consists of the most vertical stem and the strongest branches. Our crew use sterile equipment in order not to spread disease from tree to tree in addition we utilize sharp tools to achieve clean cuts that aid with the healing process of the tree. All material will either be hauled away or moved to the proper location.